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The purpose of any good pantomime is to imbue audiences with a sense of comfort, good humour and seasonal cheer. So how about one that plunges its audience into a socio-political satire dripping with painful truths? Astonishingly, Ricky Whittington & His Cat, the newest work from comedy powerhouse Fight in the Dog, manages to mix […]

REVIEW: TESTOSTERONE (New Diorama Theatre) ★★★★★

TESTOSTERONE is a new collaboration between acclaimed transgender actor and writer Kit Redstone and award-winning company Rhum and Clay at the New Diorama Theatre, mixing the visual theatre skills of Rhum and Clay with Redstone’s direct storytelling. This is the true story of Redstone’s first experience of a male gym changing room at the age of […]

REVIEW: PLASTIC FIGURINES (New Diorama Theatre) ★★★★

Rose and Michael (Mikey) are navigating through the grief-stricken wasteland that is the aftermath of their mother’s death. We are provided with an intimate glimpse into a family’s trauma: Rose, pulled back to her hometown in light of these events, now harbours the responsibility of watching her beloved mother pass away from leukaemia, and simultaneously […]

REVIEW: VOYAGER (New Diorama Theatre)

Space holds as much excitement, mystery and awe for us now as it did forty years ago, and our interstellar explorations still represent the pinnacle of human achievement. In their new play Voyager, Idle Motion present their musings about the innate human desire for exploration. Using an effective blend of dialogue, physicality and clever staging, […]

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