Cast announced for George Orwell’s dystopian classic ANIMAL FARM at Stratford East

Tatty Hennessy’s fresh adaptation of George Orwell’s dystopian classic ANIMAL FARM explores loss of identity, the seductive allure of greed, and the corrupting nature of political power. ANIMAL FARM runs at Stratford East from Friday 7 February – Saturday 8 March 2025. Who’s in the cast? In the year Orwell’s political fable marks its 80th […]

Sleeping Beauty at Broadway Theatre Catford ★★★

Sleeping Beauty (with a 21st-century twist) comes to Catford Broadway Theatre this Christmas and ensures everyone leaves with a smile. What’s the show about? Once upon a time, in a faraway land called Lewishtonia, a princess was born. To celebrate her arrival, a grand party is thrown—but one guest is notably absent from the list: […]