A MERRY CHRISTMAS CABARET in aid of Louise Plowright & CRUK: Pancreatic Cancer Research

hippodrome300x230The West end joins together for a sixth year at A Merry Christmas Cabaret. This annual one night show will be at The Hippodrome Casino, Theatre on Tuesday 1st December, 10:30pm in aid of Louise Plowright and Pancreatic Cancer Research, CRUK.
“Following a staggering fundraising effort we have raised over £140,000 for Louises’ life saving treatment. The supporters have been phenomenal and their involvement will make this years’ event incredibly special” – Joel Marvin
Belting out Festive tunes for charity are generations of performers from Wicked, Mamma Mia, Les Miserables alongside many more shows and special guests!
A Merry Christmas Cabaret produced by Joel Marvin with Musical Director Alex Parker
A MERRY CHRISTMAS CABARET in aid of Louise Plowright & CRUK: Pancreatic Cancer Research
The Hippodrome Casino – Theatre
Cranbourn Street
London WC2H 7JH
Box Office:  08442 439 475 / www.seatlive.com
Performances:  Tuesday 1st December at 10:30pm
Ticket Prices:  £30.00* £25.00* £20.00* Premium seats £50.00*
* Plus booking fees
Website:  www.seatlive.com
Facebook:  A Merry Christmas Cabaret
Twitter:  @Charity_gigs  #savelouise #AMCC

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