VULVARINE: Saviour of Womankind comes to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival

Show name: Vulvarine Venue: Assembly George Square Studio, Two, EH8 9JZ Time: 19:00 Running Time: 60mins Dates: 01 – 26 August. No show Weds 15 August. Can you tell me a little bit about yourself and your performing background? Hiya! I’m Allie and I’m an actor/theatre-maker from London. I play Bryony Buckle AKA Vulvarine in […]

Fez Faanana talks about bringing BRIEFS: CLOSE ENCOUNTERS to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival

Name: Fez Faanana Name of Edinburgh show: Briefs: Close Encounters Venue: Assembly Hall, Main Hall Performance time: 7:15pm Show length: 75min Ticket price: £19.50 Can you tell me a little bit about yourself and your performing background? I am a co-founder of the all-male, circus, burlesque, comedy, cabaret and cult theatre production Briefs, which is […]

WOLFGANG – a circus adventure by Circa tumbles into the Edinburgh Fringe Festival

Name: Kathryn and Paul O’Keeffe Name of Edinburgh show: Wolfgang by Circa Venue: Underbelly Circus Hub Performance time: 2pm Show length: 60 minutes Ticket price: Tickets from £12.80 Can you tell me a little bit about yourself and your performing background? Paul- has been performing professionally for 21 years. He has worked mainly in Circus […]

Looby Mills talks about WALK SWIFTLY WITH PURPOSE at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival

Name: Looby Mills Name of Edinburgh show: Walk Swiftly with Purpose Venue: The Space on the Mile; Venue 39 Performance time: 13th-18th August 11:05am | 20th-25th August 11:35am Show length: 50 minutes Ticket price: £9:50 (conc. £7) Can you tell me a little bit about yourself and your performing background? I’m 23 and terrifyingly no […]