Wrenne talks about saying yes to everything at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival

Name: Wrenne Name of Edinburgh show: I Said Yes To Everything Venue: Assembly Studio 1 Performance time: 3:30 Show length: 1 Hour Ticket price: £11/£12 Can you tell me a little bit about yourself and your performing background? I’m originally from Utah, from a musical family and a musical theatre background. I came to the […]

Felicity Ward busts a nut at this year’s Edinburgh Fringe Festival

Can you tell me a little bit about yourself and your performing background? I started many years ago as a dedicated attention seeker, then I was an unpaid actor (see: barista/dishpig) for years, then fell into sketch comedy and found myself on stage by myself doing stand-up ten years ago. And now I get to […]

Jack Bence talks about bringing GULLIVER RETURNS to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival

Name: Jack Bence Show: Gulliver Returns Dates: August 2 – 26 Time: 14.00 (60mins) Venue: Underbelly Big Belly Can you tell me a little bit about yourself and your performing background? I’ve been performing most of my life. I worked with the Youth Music Theatre UK (YMT:UK) until I was 15 and I’ve been working […]