Tess Adams says Words is Words is Words at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival

Name: Tess Adams Name of Edinburgh show: Words is Words is Words Venue: The Space, Surgeons Hall, Venue 53, Theatre 3 Performance time: 14.10 Show length: 45 mins Ticket price: £6 / £5 Can you tell me a little bit about yourself and your performing background? If you had told me last year – having […]

Tina T’urner Tea Lady and Friends comes to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival

Name: Tracey Collins Name of Edinburgh show: Tina T’urner Tea lady and Friends Venue: Frankenstein Pub– Bier Keller Performance time: 2.30pm Show length: 1 hour Ticket price: Free! (Donate at the end) Can you tell me a little bit about yourself and your performing background? I love experimenting as a performer and im fascinated by […]

Patrick Morris talks about bringing BLOOMINAUSCHWITZ to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival

Name: Patrick Morris Name of Edinburgh show: bloominauschwitz Venue: Just Festival @ St John’s (Venue 127) Performance time: 17.10 Show length: 80 minutes Ticket price: £12/10 Can you tell me a little bit about yourself and your performing background? I am Co-Artistic Director of Menagerie Theatre Company, Cambridge. All our work is new and proudly […]

Renny Krupinski talks about bringing A DANGEROUS WOMAN to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival

Name: Renny Krupinski Name of Edinburgh show: A Dangerous Woman Venue: TheSpace@Jury’s V260 Performance time: 12.25 (6-11/8) 21.25 (13-15/8) Show length: 60 mins Ticket price: £8/£7 Can you tell me a little bit about yourself and your performing background? I’m an award-winning writer, actor, director and an international fight director. I won a Scotsman Fringe First & […]

Johnny Autin talks about bringing ‘Queer Words’ to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival

Name: Johnny Autin (Autin Dance Theatre) Name of Edinburgh show: Queer Words Venue: Greenside @Infirmary Street (Forest Theatre) Performance time: 4.15pm Dates: Aug 13-18, 20-25 Show length: 45 minutes Ticket price: £10/£8 conc Can you tell me a little bit about yourself and your performing background? Hi, My name is Johnny Autin. I am an […]

Elinor Coleman talked about bringing BABY DADDY to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival

Can you tell me a little bit about yourself and your performing background? I’m an actor born, raised and currently residing in the People’s Republic of Birmingham. I’ve been working in theatre, radio and film since dropping out of drama school many moons ago, but it’s only in the last two years that I started […]