Roman Fraden talks about going BACK IN THE CLOSET at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival

Name: Roman Fraden Name of Edinburgh show: Back In The Closet Venue: Gilded Balloon Teviot, Balcony Performance time: 11:30pm Show length: 55 mins Ticket price: general £10 (and additional 2-for1 offer dates, and £6 preview tickets on Aug 1-3 available) Can you tell me a little bit about yourself and your performing background? Sure, I’d […]

Victoria Firth tells us HOW TO BE AMAZINGLY HAPPY! at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival

Name: Victoria Firth Name of Edinburgh show: How to be amazingly happy! Venue: Pleasance Courtyard Performance time: 11.35am Show length: 60 minutes Ticket price: Weekend £10, midweek £9, early week £8. Concessions £1 off. Can you tell me a little bit about yourself and your performing background? I am a performer and theatre maker from […]