Musical comedy about dealing with dementia PARADISE LODGE heads to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival
Name of Edinburgh show: Paradise Lodge Venue: Underbelly Bristo Square (Dairy Room), Teviot Place, Edinburgh, EH8 9AG Performance time: 13:15 Show length: 60 minutes Ticket price: Previews: £7, Weekday: £10 (£9), Weekend: £11 (£10) Can you tell me a little bit about yourself and your performing background? I’ve been a jobbing actor for 35 years. […]
Aaron Sidwell talks about playing King HENRY V in a new production at The Barn Theatre

Name: Aaron Sidwell Name of show: Henry V Venue: The Barn Theatre Cirencester Dates of run: Until 22nd June Can you tell me about the show? The play tells the story of the reign of King Henry V but focusing mainly on his conquest of France. We have set the play in our current political […]
Gloria Onitiri talks about NAPOLI, BROOKLYN “It’s fast, drastic, fiery, joyful, explosive, poignant and uplifting!
Name: Gloria Onitiri Name of show: Napoli, Brooklyn Venue: Currently playing Yvonne Arnaud, Guildford then continuing to tour to Devonshire Park Theatre, Eastbourne, Oxford Playhouse, followed by a limited 4-week run at Park Theatre London Dates of run: Guildford 13-18 May, Eastbourne 27-31 May, Oxford 4-8 June, Park Theatre, London 13 June – 13 July. […]
Bernie Dieter talks about LITTLE DEATH CLUB at the Underbelly Festival
Can you tell me about Little Death Club? It is the darkest, funniest, most debauched kabarett club this side of Berlin. A bit like a Lynchian dive bar that you’ve just unwittingly stumbled into, where you don’t realise it, but you are about to have the wildest night of your life. What part do you […]
Lala Barlow and Robbie Smith talks about THE WORST LITTLE WAREHOUSE IN LONDON

Name: Lala Barlow and Robbie Smith Name of show: The Worst Little Warehouse in London Venue: The Kings Head Theatre Dates of run: Kings Head Theatre 21st – 26th May Can you tell me about the show? The show is a two hander comedy cabaret about our real life year living in a converted warehouse […]
THE MARVELOUS WONDERETTES talk about bringing the 50’s & 60’s to London
Names: Sophie Camble, Louise Young, Kara Taylor Alberts and Rosie Needham Name of show: The Marvelous Wonderettes Venue: Upstairs at the Gatehouse Dates of run: 9 April – 12 May Can you tell me about the show? SOPHIE CAMBLE: It’s about four girls singing at their High School Senior Prom, sharing their experiences of love […]
Antony Costa talks about starring in ROCK OF AGES
Currently touring with the hit musical ROCK OF AGES, we sat down with Blue star Antony Costa to chat about what it’s like taking on the role of rock star ‘Stacee Jaxx’ in the show. Audiences will likely know you best from your time with Blue, what was it like when you first made the […]
Jennifer Harding talks about NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD LIVE

Name: Jennifer Harding Name of show: Night of the Living Dead Live Venue: Pleasance, London Dates of run: 9 April – 19 May 2019 Can you tell me about the show? NOTLD was the first film venture into a zombie apocalypse, and we get to tell it again; this time on stage and with a […]
UK’s ultimate Michael Jackson tribute star Ben Bowman talks about the show
From dancing along to the legendary pop videos as a child, to playing to a crowd of weeping fans the day after Michael Jackson died, Ben Bowman is certainly dedicated to being the UK’s ultimate Michael Jackson tribute artist. Ben, 33, who grew up on the Isle of Sheppey, off Kent, quit college to pursue […]
Ruby Bentall talks about sensuality, sexuality and betrayal in THE RUBENSTEIN KISS
Name: Ruby Bentall Name of show: The Rubenstein Kiss Venue: Southwark Playhouse Dates of run: until 13 April 2019 Can you tell me about the show? The play is based on the true story of Ethel and Julius Rosenberg, (fictionalised as Esther and Jakob Rubenstein) a devoted Jewish couple and a pair of communist idealists who […]