Joining the previously announced Andy Karl (Groundhog Day, Rocky), who returns to his Olivier-Award winning role as the cynical TV weatherman Phil Connors, are Jasmin Colangelo as Swing/Puppetry Captain, Kelly Ewins-Prouse as Swing/Dance Captain, Kamilla Fernandes as Ensemble (Debbie), Aimée Fisher as Ensemble (Joelle), Zack Guest as Swing, Nick Hayes as Ensemble (Ralph), Jacqueline Hughes as Ensemble (Piano Teacher), Ashlee Irish as Ensemble (Larry), Chris Jenkins as Ensemble (Gus), Andrew Langtree as Ensemble (Ned Ryerson), Billy Nevers as Ensemble (Fred), Eve Norris as Ensemble (Nancy), Mark Pearce as Ensemble (Sheriff), Ben Redfern as Ensemble (Buster), Tanisha Spring as Rita Hanson, Durone Stokes as Ensemble (Deputy), Alex Stoll as Ensemble (Billy), Jez Unwin as Ensemble (Jenson), Annie Wensak as Ensemble (Mrs Lancaster) and Matthew Whennell-Clark as Swing/Assistant Dance Captain.
‘Tomorrow spring will come and then
There will be blue skies my friend
Bright eyes and laughter
Tomorrow there will be sun’
Phil Connors is a pretty awful guy.
But when the cynical Pittsburgh TV weatherman is sent to cover the eccentric annual Groundhog Day event in the small town of Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, he finds himself caught in a time loop that sends him on a hilarious path to enlightenment and redemption.
A comic parable of love, hope and transformation from the creatives behind Matilda The Musical and The Old Vic’s A Christmas Carol, this Olivier Award-winning (Best New Musical, Best Actor) musical sensation based on the 1993 hit film returns to The Old Vic this summer.