Reviewed by Michaela Clement-Hayes
Rating [rating=3]
Icarus Royal Airlines (IRA) who fly ‘anywhere cut-price’ are embroiled in a battle with Fantasy Airlines, culminating in a bet involving Kylie’s hot pants…
Richenda ‘Richie’ Branson (Jessica Sherman) is a flight attendant with daddy issues, who dreams of becoming a pilot. Unfortunately she keeps crashing on the flying simulator…
Her gay best friend Taylor (Ralph Bogard) is aiming to be a super trolley dolly, but has fallen in love with rival flight attendant Clinton (Alex Beaumont)…
Meanwhile pilot Leo (Will Bradnam) is in love with Richenda, but she’s completely oblivious…
The show opens with an upbeat musical number, which sets the tone for the whole production, camp, cheesy fun. It seems like a polished amateur production, but on closer inspection of the programme, I realise the cast are actually all professionally trained.
That’s not to say that they weren’t talented, quite the contrary and very attractive too! Sherman is a natural actress and, despite being raised in Canada, has a convincing British accent, whilst Bradnam was adorable as the love-sick pilot.
The cast were all good singers, particularly Bogard, but one of the best voices came from Laura Hyde who was hidden in the ensemble. Not forgetting Anne Smith who gave an excellent performance as the ‘Greek mother-in-law’.
The dancing was fantastic: simple, but perfectly synchronised and the musical numbers, although risqué, will make you smile. My personal favourite (obviously) was ‘Who needs brains when you’re blonde?’ but ‘Alphabet Love’ was quite amusing. My friend and I did laugh out loud a fair few times, even though some of the jokes were a bit close to the mark.
The theatre was far from full which is always a shame, as playing to anything but a packed house is quite soul-destroying. However, it didn’t deter the cast from putting on a lively and enthusiastic show for the few of us who were there and everyone seemed to enjoy it. There seemed to be a good relationship between principals and ensemble and the cast were clearly having a lot of fun.
It’s certainly not for everyone, branded ‘far too camp” by one audience member and my friend and I left with mixed opinions. In part I think the writing was to blame. The idea was there, but the script was weak and some of the songs definitely lacked something.
Mile High the Musical plays at the Lost Theatre until 24th March 2013.