Musical revue A NIGHT AT THE OSCARS comes to London

A Night At The Oscars comes to Upstairs at the Gatehouse next month Wednesday 7 February – Sunday 4 March and The Radlett Centre Sunday 11 March 2018. Written by Chris Burgess, Musical Arrangements by Andy Collyer, Directed by Bronagh Lagan, Musical Direction by Ben Ferguson, Choreography by Chris Cuming, Lighting Design by Aaron J Dootson. Cast: Kieran Brown, Steven Dalziel, Natalie Green, Laura Sillett.

The premiere production of A Night at the Oscars, a new musical revue featuring the fabulous music of Gershwin, Berlin, Porter, Kern, Arlen, Bernstein, Mercer, Mancini, Hamlisch and scores more comes to Upstairs at the Gatehouse and The Radlett Centre in February and March 2018.

The songs, the stories, the stars, the scandals. Every year Hollywood pats itself on the back and celebrates its best films, best performers and best songs. A Night at the Oscars tells the story of four decades of the Golden Age of Hollywood through song, dance and stories! Follow the enthralling tale of the rise and fall of a Dream Factory, the like of which will never be seen again.

A Night at the Oscars compresses forty years of Oscar-mania into a jam-packed two-hour entertainment.

This is the latest show from the producer Katy Lipson, who brought you The Jewish Legends, The Great Jewish American Songbook, The MGM Story and Barmitzvah Boy.

The show will star KIERAN BROWN (Understudied and played The Phantom in The Phantom of the Opera (Her Majesty’s Theatre) and Wicked) STEVEN DALZIEL (Scarecrow in The Wizard of Oz (Immersion Theatre, Tour) and The MGM Story), NATALIE GREEN (Wicked (UK and Ireland Tour) and Hair) and LAURA SILLETT (Rusty and understudy Ariel in Footloose (Sell a Door, UK Tour) and Donna in Dreamboats and Petticoats).


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