Rock musical Myth: The Rise and Fall of Orpheus, directed by Arlene Phillips and written by Sam Cassidy, will have 9 concert-style workshop performances at The Other Palace from Saturday 10 – Saturday 17 March 2018. The production will be semi-staged and performed by a live 6-piece band.
The show, previously called 27, returns to London with a new title, a revised book and new songs.
Arlene Phillips said: “We were inspired by the recent workshop performances of Andrew Lloyd Webbers Starlight Express and believed this method of presentation would be invaluable to the development of Myth: The Rise and Fall of Orpheus.”
Sam Cassidy said: “It’s true that musicals are not written, but rather rewritten, and this is a fantastic opportunity. In 2016, we opened a completely new British rock musical and enjoyed a very successful 6-week season at the 170-seat Cockpit Theatre. We had great audiences, with many people seeing it more than once, but we were not completely happy with elements of the production. I’ve since looked at the book, revised the storyline, dropped some songs and added new ones. This latest run will give us the chance to see how this new version works with the chance for audiences to give us feedback.”
Myth: The Rise and Fall of Orpheus is a modern retelling of the Ancient Greek tale of Orpheus and the underworld, looking at mental illness and addiction in society and more specifically the rock music business, with a storyline with echoes of the tragically short lives of some of music’s brightest stars, including Jim Morrison, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Kurt Cobain and Amy Winehouse.
Myth: The Rise and Fall of Orpheus is a show that’ll break your heart, make you laugh and rock you to your very core.
Cast and full creative team to be announced.