Nimax Theatres have announced plans to open all six of their West End theatres beginning from October 22nd 2020 with social distancing under COVID-19 Secure government guidelines.
First up from 22 October to 8 November at the Apollo Theatre, Shaftesbury Avenue is This is Going to Hurt written and performed by ex-NHS doctor Adam Kay. His first performance on Thursday 22 October is a free performance for NHS staff only. Tickets are on sale now at as is registration for NHS staff to enter the ballot for their free performance.
Also returning in due course are Everybody’s Talking About Jamie (Apollo theatre – from 11 November 2020), Magic Goes Wrong (Vaudeville theatre – from 15 November 2020) and The Play That Goes Wrong (Duchess theatre from 18 October 2020). Harry Potter and the Cursed Child (at the Palace theatre) will not reopen unless social distancing restrictions have been lifted but they aim to be able to do this on 21 February 2021.
It is possible for these shows to reopen as the costs associated with running them are not as big as many West End shows. For instance, The Play That Goes Wrong and Magic Goes Wrong do not have live music and so there is no orchestra, making them easier and cheaper to perform.
Although with reduced capacities it is not possible to make a profit, they will be earning a contribution to their costs. With the furlough support scheme ending on 31st October, this income will help them retain Nimax’s highly skilled, experienced workforce and give work to some of the talented tapestry of freelancers onstage and backstage.
Photo: Siobhan Doran