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REVIEW: The English Heart (Etcetera Theatre) ★★★★

The English Heart is an excellent play, sexy as hell and very funny. This is Matthew Campling‘s latest comedy, after last year’s ‘Abominations’ at the Etcetera Theatre, which received multi-four star reviews and was Best New Play nominated. He is also one of the nicest and funniest people you could want to meet. Boston, Lincolnshire, where […]


Well, firstly, don’t expect a story with a deep message. This is a horror story stripped of most of it’s Hammer House of Horrors nonsense. No crudely stitched scars, no bolt through the neck and definitely no funny, stiff legged walk. So, what is it? It is a plain, good old fashioned chiller. The play […]

REVIEW: BOY STROKE GIRL (Etcetera Theatre) ★★★★

Can you fall in love with someone if you don’t know their gender? That’s the question posed in Boy Stroke Girl when Peter meets the sexually ambiguous Blue. The play is written and directed by Ian Dixon Potter and has been performed at Brighton Fringe and Tristan Bates Theatre before coming to Etcetera Theatre in […]

REVIEW: RAPTURE (Etcetera Theatre)

‘What is the point of you?’ – the question that haunts the characters of this play is one which we can all ask ourselves, if we’re brave enough. ‘Rapture’ is set in the future, not long after 2060, and by now the human race has found the cure for apparently every disease and illness. There’s […]

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