Out of Blixen (Print Room at the Coronet) ★★★★
Karen Blixen is quite well known, mainly because of Meryl Streep’s impressive portrayal of the Danish author in Sydney Pollack’s Oscar winning film “Out of Africa”. Robert Redford played Denys, the English big game hunter whom Blixen fell in love with. Karen Blixen, writing under the pen name of Isak Dinesen, was considered several times […]
REVIEW: In the Depths of Dead Love (Print Room at the Coronet) ★★★
The most exciting aspect of the world premiere of Howard Barker’s new play is the “Yellowface” controversy. There was a quiet group of protesters on press night, opposite the theatre, holding up placards and handing out flyers to express their dismay. A play that is set in ancient China with characters called Mr Chin, Lady […]
Check out these rehearsal images of Tennessee Williams’ rarely performed A LOVELY SUNDAY FOR CREVE COEUR
Tennessee Williams’ rarely performed A Lovely Sunday for Creve Coeur opens the Print Room theatre’s new Autumn season on 15 September 2016. The cast includes Debbie Chazen as Bodey, Hermione Gulliford as Helena, Laura Rogers as Dorothea and Julia Watson as Miss Gluck. It’s Sunday morning in early June, 1930s St Louis. In a sweltering […]