A new work inspired by the true story of Erez Tivoni, an amnesiac who turned destructive after a BBC film crew reunited him with his family for a scoop in 1999.
London-based filmmaker Angela (Roseanna Frascona) reckons she’s bagged the story of a lifetime reuniting an amnesiac with his long-lost wife and disabled son. But when her subject reveals a darker side the story unravels fast and she’s forced to choose between her ratings and her morals.
Real-life husband and wife Fed Zanni and Katrina Cooke play the ill-starred couple at the heart of Ian Buckley’s latest theatrical effort for the Baron’s Court Theatre. Anthony Shrubsall directs a realtime production, reflecting the unflinching nature of modern reality broadcasting.
REALIFE TV will be performed at the Barons Court Theatre May 17-29, Tuesday – Saturday 7:30pm, Sunday 6:30pm, matinees Saturday 21st & 28th May 2:30 pm.
RedNeedle productions was established in September 2012 to bring theatre of a radical and socially relevant nature to theatregoers. Realife TV is its 4th production.
Ian Buckley’s writing credits include: Down The River (Theatre Royal, Stratford East); Keeping Faith (Kings Head); Suits & Blouses (The Room, The Orange Tree); First Timers (Dukes Head); Tainted Love (Young Actors Theatre); The Tailors’ Last Stand, Picasso’s Artful Occupation,The Moment We Met (Barons Court). Other work: Changing Gear (BBC Radio 4, Hessischer Rundfunk); The Revolutionary (Hessischer Rundfunk). Shortlisted: Verity Bargate Award, The Bruntwood award (long short-list); Brockley Jack Write Now Three . He has received financial support from the Arts Council. More info on: www.ianbuckley.info or RedNeedle Productions facebook
Anthony Shrubsall is a freelance director, artistic director of Open Ealing (www.openealing.com), founder member of Entire Theatre Company (Orbits at The White Bear, London; HofTheater, Sigmaringen, Germany). Directing this year includes: Saffron Hill at Pleasance Theatre (Tricolore Theatre Co); The Gin Chronicles (Interrupt The Routine) St James Theatre, The Bridewell Theatre; The Art Space@ St Marks, Edinburgh.
The Barons Court Theatre