She Wears A Scented Rose is an exciting thriller, written and directed by the talented Yasir Senna.
The story begins in an Intensive Care department of a hospital. Mark, a middle aged, smart businessman has been attacked by a knife wielding assailant and is lying on a hospital trolley, covered in blood, fighting for his life. After two weeks in a coma, Mark pulls through.
But all is not as it seems. Is Mark, loving husband to Verity and devoted father of schoolgirl Neve, as innocent as he seems? Was it really a car jacking gone wrong? If not, what could he possibly gain by lying to the police about it?
The story is full of domestic level drama and familial betrayal. Every character adds a new layer of doubt about our view of Mark. Even his best friend David, played by Simon Ryerson, does not believe his story.
A genuine whodunnit which keeps you on tender hooks until the finish. Just when you think you have sorted out who did what, something comes along which dumbfounds you. Right until the super dramatic finale.
The cast are excellent. Craig Karpel, who plays Mark, the philandering husband, is very, very good. He somehow manages to elicit some sympathy from the audience, though his character hardly deserves any. Niki Mylonas plays his loving wife, Verity, who is constantly cheated on my Mark, without ever feeling sorry for herself, and never allowing herself to be the victim. Niki is a fine actress.
A somewhat curious character is the French Detective, Inspector Kane. Kane is played by the lovely French actress Rosalie Carn. A French detective at Scotland Yard! Do they exist? Certainly Rosalie is a talented actress who would be a welcome addition to any play. So I am more than happy to swallow my disbelief.
There are no weaknesses in the ten man cast though I should mention the two excellent young actresses who play the daughters of two of the main characters, Charlotte Campbell and Natalie Mitson, both of whom play schoolgirl age parts to perfection. Charlotte, who plays Neve, Mark’s daughter, is a multi talented performer a singer, dancer and actress. Charlotte, who plays David’s daughter and Neve’s best friend Sadie, is a very fine actress and has one of the key parts in the play.
The play is well written and directed by the talented Yasir Senna. Yasir has written multiple screenplays and plays as well as acting in them. Not wishing to put any undue pressure on Yasir, but I can’t wait to see his next venture, a play about the cricketer Basil D’Oliveira, who did so much for racial equality in sport.
All in all it was an excellent play and a great pity that the audience was somewhat sparse. The whole production was top-notch and thoroughly entertaining. Highly recommended.
Reviewed by Graham Archer
She Wears A Scented Rose plays at Theatro Technis until 29 April 2017