On Good Friday, Friday 30th March 2018, the renowned Wintershall Players return to the heart of London with their awe-inspiring full-scale re-enactment of The Passion of Jesus, performed for free in the shadow of the National Gallery. The Passion premiered in 1993 on the Wintershall Estate in Surrey and since then has become a highly anticipated Easter fixture, both in Guildford and in Central London.
The story commemorating the day Jesus is believed to have been arrested, tried and crucified by the Romans, two days before miraculously rising from the dead on Easter Sunday, is brought to life by a cast of over a hundred, all in resplendent costumes, along with horses, doves and donkeys.
Featuring realistic scenes and a heart moving crucifixion and resurrection, The Passion of Jesus is an unforgettable Easter experience.
Supported by the Mayor of London, The Passion of Jesus now attracts more than 20,000 people to its two London performances. As well as Trafalgar Square, the Wintershall Players will perform The Passion in Guildford on Easter Saturday.
Director Ashley Herman, and producer Charlotte de Klee, both appeared in the very first Passion production in 1993 as Narrator and Miriam and have been associated with it ever since. The actor and artist James Burke-Dunsmore has performed as Jesus on stage for more than 60 different productions to over a quarter of a million people, and 2018 marks his 21st year performing in the role. The rest of the company is made up of volunteer actors and stage crew from in and around London and the South East.
Those who can’t make it to London for the performances will be able to watch The Passion live, both performances will be shown via a Facebook Live Stream.
The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, said: “The Passion of Jesus in Trafalgar Square is an important chance for people to learn more about the story of Easter. Holy Week is a time for Christians to reflect on the life and teachings of Christ. This is also a great opportunity for all Londoners to see this unforgettable performance in an iconic location.”
The Passion’s Christian message embraces all denominations, and this is highlighted by the active and continued support of the Bible Society, as well as two of the country’s principal Church leaders, The Roman Catholic Archbishop of Westminster and the Bishop of London.
The Wintershall Players will be also perform the extraordinary Life of Christ at the Wintershall Estate in Surrey from 19-23 June and the now-famous Wintershall Nativity from 12-16 December.
The Passion of Jesus, Trafalgar Square
Date: Friday 30 March 2018
Times: 12 noon & 3.15 pm
Tickets: Free admission
Please note: This is an open air event so clothing appropriate for the forecasted weather conditions should be worn. This performance contains a realistic interpretation of the crucifixion. Parental guidance is advised.
Big screens are used so wherever you are you can see and hear the acting.
BSL interpreters will be available for both London performances.
