In the second instalment of this year’s trilogy of La Voix Meets, nationally cherished medium Sally Morgan joined the inimitable La Voix at Live at Zédel for an exclusive interview. The pair, who have enjoyed a friendship for many years, spoke openly about Sally’s early life, her work and, most importantly, how her curious ability to communicate with spirits actually works! A fun and rare insight into Sally’s career, hostess La Voix peppered the conversation with jokes and gossip, keeping the interview fresh and intriguing and giving us more than a few titbits of insider info.
With the occasional prompt from La Voix, Sally took us on a trip down memory lane. Starting with her early years in Fulham, she talked openly about her childhood and always knowing that she had the ability to do ‘this weird thing’. She spoke about her first memory of her gift – being fifteen years old and giving a total stranger a rather chilling diagnosis. She went on to describe how she slowly turned her talents into the successful business venture for which she is now renowned. Moving on to her celebrated television career with Star Psychic and Psychic Sally on the Road, Sally described her enviable experience working with celebrities and members of the royal family. La Voix also interspersed Sally’s stories with questions from the audience, allowing us the opportunity to ask anything we wanted.
La Voix Meets Psychic Sally Morgan was an incredibly enjoyable interview bursting with laughter and just a few innuendos and tangents that had the duo giggling conspiratorially before steering back towards La Voix’s list of questions. La Voix commanded the space exceptionally; her knowing glances and sublime quick wit sending the audience into fits of laughter throughout. Breezing into the space and positively shining in a white sequined gown, she kicked off the evening with a flawless rendition of ‘Cabaret’ before welcoming Sally onstage and beginning the interview. She kept the atmosphere light, gently poking fun at her special guest and joking about the spirits who had accompanied Sally for the evening.
As, no doubt, the whole audience had been silently wishing, Sally delivered some messages for a few individuals. The audience was encouraged to write down questions for Sally and a few people asked if she could communicate with their loved ones. Initially this got off to a rocky start, with Sally providing a (rather obscure) name to a man from the audience which had no meaning to him. However, after the name was followed with a message, a lady sitting just in front of him gasped and announced that she believed the message to be for her. One of the most fascinating segments of the interview involved the conversation around Sally’s working relationship with the late Princess of Wales and how she had, unbeknownst to her, foreseen her tragic death.
The relaxed conversation between La Voix and Sally made for a truly charming show. La Voix’s fantastic interview technique and ability to include the audience throughout the interview kept everyone’s attention and ensured the pace of the show moved swiftly. I’ll certainly be keeping an eye out to see what La Voix brings us next!
Reviewed by Alex Foott
