TRUMPAGEDDON was a sold out success at this year’s Edinburgh Fringe festival, back in August when the election seemed so far away. It’s back for a few more shows at The King’s Head Theatre in the run-up to election day, including election night itself.
You’re invited to spend an hour with Donald Trump, to hear what he has to say and quiz him on his views (although don’t necessarily expect a coherent answer). Immerse yourself in Trump’s world through this part-improvised performance using Trump’s own words and audience questions, not following a script, much like the man himself.
Award winning performer and writer Simon Jay plays Trump, saying: “I’m the antithesis of him, really – a gay, liberal, English socialist who usually prefers playing women. If you hear some of the things he says, it makes you recoil. By taking them verbatim out of his mouth and into the mouth of this Trump caricature, hopefully it will expose just how ridiculous and dangerous his views are.”
Jay does not shy away from the more extreme views Trump holds, this is not a show for the easily offended or those nervous of audience participation. In this small theatre, there really is nowhere to hide. Jay is in character before the show, his face painted orange with the familiar floppy hair and facial tics.
He met the audience in the bar and gathered material to use in the show. He remembered individual audience members he spoke with and singled them out to ask a question or join him on stage.
Jay has said previously that he didn’t think he would be able to continue playing the role if Trump were elected because it would be “too depressing to satirise”. He’s putting on one more show at the King’s Head on 14 November and after that, who knows?
Reviewed by Rhiannon Evans
TRUMPAGEDDON plays at the Kings Head Theatre on 14 November 2016