Louise Dearman

As a lading lady who needs no introduction, I’ll skip past my usual ‘tell me about yourself’ question, as I’m sure everyone knows who you are! Tell me about your brand new album ‘It’s Time’. What was your inspiration and how does it differ from your other albums? ‘Its Time’ is an album that i […]

Louise Dearman – It's Time

Wilmas rating **** Louise Dearman is undoubtedly one of the most talented leading ladies the West End has seen in a long time, having just finished playing theatres biggest role, Elphaba in Wicked the Musical. Louise has previously played the shows other leading lady role, Glinda, showing that her vocal range and acting ability are […]

Kerry Ellis

Last night, queen of theatre Kerry Ellis, performed a one night only concert at the London Palladium. An incredibly stagey affair, opening with the wonderful Woman the Band, (4 women currently on tour with Billy Ocean) belting out wonderful arrangements of well known songs, with a distinct country music feel to them. I was blown […]