THE BOOK OF MORMON at the Prince of Wales Theatre

Avenue Q writer, Robert Lopez, and South Park creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone joined forces to create a musical – The Book of Mormon playing at the Prince of Wales Theatre.

The story is of led by two Mormon boys (Elder Price and Elder Cunningham) who complete their training and are sent on their mission to Uganda, to convert the locals to the Mormon religion. Elder Price, the honorary Mormon student and Elder Cunningham who somehow scraped through the Mormon training, despite not knowing any of the stories. They fail miserably on their mission until the women of the town realise that by converting to Mormon life, they may get a chance to leave Uganda for America and escape the threat of losing their womanhood.

The writing is as clever as Matilda the Musical, and while I wouldn’t recommend taking children to see the show, once you can get past the hideous language and shocking scenes, it is an amazing show with a serious underlying message.

REVIEW ★★★★★

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